2019年12月31日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Smart Cities (智慧城市)

Smart Cities 發佈於 2019-12-23 @ http://bit.ly/350yCHx

Narrator: Hey! I have a question for you! Do you live in a city? Or in the countryside?

Around the world, a little over half of all people live in cities.
In Taiwan, though, it's over 78 percent! 78%的台灣人住在市區!

Because some cities have so many people living in them, they need lots of
things to keep the city running smoothly. They need lots of homes, space,
energy, water and transport. As more and more people move to cities, in the
future cities could look quite different.

What do you think cities of the future will look like? …..
Do you think there'll be flying cars and hoverboards? 會有飛天車跟漂浮滑板嗎?
Or robot dogs? 機器狗? Lasers and jetpacks? 還是噴射背包?

Maybe some day, but for now, what some places are doing is trying to make
cities smarter. These are called Smart cities. 把城市智能化就是智慧城市。

Smart cities use technology to do a lot of things.

Smart cities help people become more eco-friendly. This means making sure
people are being good to the environment. They do this by making sure energy
isn't wasted, and that garbage is thrown away properly.
Everything is also more convenient in these cities, and places are easier to get to. 交通也方便很多。

Singapore does smart things like grow plants indoors ... vertically!
That means plants grow upwards! 在室內種菜,是垂直的方式喔!

In Barcelona, which is in Spain, people throw trash into special bins.
Then the trash is sucked through underground pipes to be taken away!
垃圾會被吸到地下處理!Pretty cool, right?

And of course, we have Smart Cities in Taiwan too!
In fact, Taipei City has been listed as the 7th "smartest" city in the world! 台北是全球第七名!
Not bad!

Would you like to live in a smart city?

2019年12月26日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox --- Cookies in Space (餅乾在太空中)

Cookies in Space 發佈於 2019-12-13 @ http://bit.ly/2LPs2Np

Narrator: Have you ever thought about what it would be like in space?
I'm sure it would be really exciting!
But … then again, I guess there'd also be boring parts too,

You should probably bring something to do for fun. What would you bring?
A book? Your favorite music, or game? What about snacks? What about ...
chocolate-chip cookies?! Mmmm … That's right! 帶巧克力豆餅乾!應該不錯吧!
Well, astronauts won't be bringing cookies to space, they'll be baking cookies in space!
Astronauts have blasted off a rocket ship, and they brought ingredients and a special oven to the International Space Station!
(SFX: Radio effect) One small step for cookies, one giant leap for cookie kind. (SFX: Radio effect)

The astronauts want to find out how high temperatures and zero gravity
affects baking, and the taste and texture of the cookies.
But, believe it or not, baking cookies in space is actually a dangerous mission!
That's because crumbs fall out when you eat cookies. And since there's no gravity in space,
the crumbs fly around and could get stuck in the equipment!

So they need to make the cookies crumb-free!
You never know, chocolate chip cookies might taste even better in space!
(SFX: Radio effect) Houston, we have a cookie. (SFX: Radio effect)
I hope their plan works, and I hope they bring back some super tasty space cookies for us too!

2019年12月25日 星期三

Google Santa Tracker --- 一起來追蹤聖誕老人吧~

Let's track Santa~ 大家一起來追蹤聖誕老人吧~



Merry Christmas~~ 😊🎅🎄

$ 這個網站也有中文版的喔 ↓

2019年12月24日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Too Early for Christmas (太早過聖誕了)

Too Early for Christmas 發佈於 2019-12-19 @ http://bit.ly/2EsZSDN

Narrator: Hey, you hear that? It's almost Christmas! Christmas Day falls on December 25th.
Do you celebrate Christmas? 你們有慶祝聖誕節嗎? I do.
And I like to get started early. I put up my Christmas decorations weeks ago! 很早就佈置好了!
In many countries, people put Christmas decorations put on the outside of their homes.
It looks so beautiful. People hang up Christmas lights,
of course, they also put up many other types of decorations. 會準備很多不一樣的裝飾。

They put up snowmen, for example. These are not made of snow.
They are plastic. 不是用雪做的雪人而是塑膠,!
People fill them with air (sfx: sound of air filling a balloon) so they become big.
You can also see plastic Santa Clauses and reindeer, too.
I really like to walk around and see Christmas decorations on people's houses.

Usually, Americans put up decorations a few weeks before Christmas.
Then, they take them down in early January. But this year, the news reported that some people in the U.S. got in trouble for their Christmas decorations!

Were their decorations were too ugly? 是應為他們的布置品太醜嗎?.
No …Was it because they put too many decorations up? 是準備太多嗎?
No …It was because they put their Christmas decorations up too early. 是太早佈置了!

They put their decorations up November 1st.
Some people thought that was too early and complained about it.
The complainers said the decorations should be taken down, and put up again closer to Christmas.

What do you think? Do you think November 1st is too early to put up Christmas decorations?
Should those people have taken down their decorations, then put them up later again?
That sounds crazy to me.

2019年12月19日 星期四

ICRT Lunbox -- Banqiao Christmasland (新北聖誕城 @ 板橋)

Banqiao Christmasland 發佈於 2019-12-12 @ http://bit.ly/2PxgYH7

Isn't the month of December wonderful? It's my favorite month of the year. 我最喜歡十二月了。
Do you want to know why? Because I feel so festive during December!
Festive means being cheerful and in the mood for celebration.

I feel festive, because in my family, we spend the entire month getting ready for Christmas.
Christmas falls on December 25 every year.
We put up decorations and sing Christmas songs. 我們會佈置家裡、也會唱聖誕歌。

We also buy presents! 也買禮物!

As you can tell, I like getting into the Christmas spirit!

New Taipei City is also getting into the Christmas spirit this year.
The city has a place called Christmasland that people can visit! 弄了一個新北耶誕城!

This year's Christmasland is all about lights.
There are laser light shows for people to watch.
And this year's light shows are the biggest they've ever been!
It should be quite a sight to see! 應該會很壯觀!

Some of the bridges around New Taipei City Hall will also be decorated with many, many lights.

There won't just be lights though.
There will also be a teacup ride and a merry-go-round for people to ride too!

A lot of different activities are also taking place there, like parties for kids and concerts for everyone to enjoy. 會有小孩的派對、也會有大人的音樂會。

Don't worry if you can't get to New Taipei City right away though,
Christmasland will be there all month through January 1, so you still have plenty of time to go see it.


2019年12月17日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- First Human Home in Africa (最早的人類起源於非洲)

First Human Home in Africa 發佈於 2019-12-10http://bit.ly/2EdqOHu

Narrator: Have you ever thought about where you came from?
你從哪裡來的,你知道嗎? No, I don't mean your home. And I'm not talking about
your parents. No, not grandma and grandpa... or their parents…. Or their parents either!

I'm talking about the very first people, like us, ever on Earth!

The first ones ever appeared on earth about 200,000 years ago!
Woah! That's a long time, huh? But actually the earth has been around for much, much, much longer than that.

The earth began about 4.6 BILLION years ago! 地球已經46億歲了!
So actually, when you think about it, we haven't been around that long.

In fact, we came after plants, trees, fish, lizards, dinosaurs, giraffes, birds, cats, apes and many more!
魚,鳥,貓, 牠們都比我們老.
Humans are kind of like the new kid on earth.

But where did humans like us first call home? 人類最早出現在哪裡?
For a long time, researchers believed humans first appeared in Africa. 是從非洲來的.

But now, some people think they know exactly which part of Africa …
by a huge lake in a country called Botswana.

Some believe this lake was so big you could fit seven and a half Taiwans in it! Wooo!

Thousands of years later, maybe because the lake dried up or because humans were looking for food, or maybe because they were just bored, people moved away. They spread out through Africa and then on to the rest of the world too.

Have you ever thought about what it was like to live thousands and thousands of years ago?


2019年12月12日 星期四

ICRT Lunch Box -Don't Watch Screens Too Much! (別看太多螢幕)

Don't Watch Screens Too Much! 發佈於 2019-12-06http://bit.ly/33RGniJ

Narrator: Hi! I want to ask you a few questions. Do you have a smartphone?
Many people have smartphones. You can do a lot of things with a smartphone.
Of course, you can call people with it. But you can also do lots of other things. 
You can use the Internet. You can send emails with a smartphone. 
And you can play games. Yeah!

Here's another question. Do you do homework on a computer? 你寫功課會用到電腦嗎? 
You can also use the Internet with a computer. And you can play games. Yeah!.

Do you have a TV? 那你們有電視嗎? 
Maybe you have a TV, a smartphone, and a computer. 
What do all of these have in common? 這些有甚麼共同點呢?
They all have screens. That means you probably spend a lot of time watching screens.

Eye doctors are worried about this. 
They think people spend too much time watching screens - 
smartphone screens, computer screens, and TV screens.
This is really bad for your eyes. It can cause problems. 
Watching screens too much can make your eyes feel dry, for example.

Most people in Taiwan spend about 11 hours a day watching screens.
That's a lot of time! No wonder doctors are worried.. 難怪眼科醫生這麼擔心.

Eye doctors say you should help your eyes more. 
They say you should watch a screen for only 30 minutes at a time. 
Then, you should rest your eyes for 10 minutes. 
Also, they say people should go outside more. 
Don't watch your smartphones so much. 
Don't play video games so much. 
And don't watch TV so much.

Your eyes are important. Don't hurt them by watching screens all the time.


2019年12月10日 星期二

How to check your avatar's situation in Pagamo

How to practice with Pagamo

ICRT Lunch Box ---Living past 100(活超過100歲)

Living past 100 發佈於 2019-12-04 @ http://bit.ly/2s4PLSY
Narrator: Ah… There's a story in my newspaper here from India… It's says there is man who is… 123 years old!

What? …123! Seriously?

This man in India has a passport that says he is 123 years old. When people saw his passport they were very, very surprised.

If it is true, this man from India could be the oldest person in the world.

The oldest person who has been officially been recorded was a woman who lived in France. 
She lived to be 122 years old.

Right now, the top three oldest people in the world that we know about are 116, 115 and 114 years-old. 真的很老!

Maybe the Indian man's passport is correct … and he really is the "oldest person in the world" … or maybe not. But you know what? People are living longer and longer. 人活得越來越久 ...

Hey! Who knows? You could live for 120 or even 130 years! It's not impossible. 活到120歲以上……不是不可能喔。

But if people are living longer, that means we should take better care of our bodies. 我們要好好照顧身體!

The very old man in India says he does yoga exercises every day and only eats healthy food.

Hmm… interesting. If I want to live a nice long life, maybe I should also eat healthy food and remember to exercise. And also try yoga!


2019年12月5日 星期四

ICRT Lanchbox --- Pet-Friendly Buses(寵物-友善公車)

Pet-Friendly Buse發佈於 2019-11-29 @ http://bit.ly/34CHZOx

Narrator: Hey, everybody! I'm in New Taipei City now.
I'm waiting for the bus. Oh, here comes one right now.

This is a special bus. 這台公車很特別。
It has a picture of a dog on the front.
This kind of bus is called a pet-friendly bus.
That means you can bring your dog or cat on the bus.

I'm going to get on the bus now. ………
Wow, this is cool! I see lots of people with dogs……..
There are even a few cats on the bus, too.

In October, New Taipei City started to have more pet-friendly buses.
 People don't need to pay extra money to bring their pets on the bus.

And you don't need to put your pet in a cage.
But all the dogs and cats must be on a leash.
You can't take them off the leash on the bus.

There's something else that is very important, too.
If your pet goes to the bathroom, you must clean up the mess.
So, bring some plastic bags to pick up your dog or cat's poop.
If your pet goes pee-pee, you also have to clean that up too.

These pet-friendly buses are great! They are just for dogs and cats, though.
Don't bring a snake on the bus!.
Don't bring any monkeys or elephants, either!

Well, this is my stop. I have to get off the bus. 要下車了.
Talk to you guys later.


2019年12月3日 星期二

ICRT Lunch Box-Microplastics are in everything(塑膠微粒在所有東西上)

Microplastics are in everything Posted on 2019-11-26  @ http://bit.ly/2Y4bW7p

Narrator: I wish stores wouldn't wrap everything I buy in so much plastic. I already brought a bag with me! I don't need another one, especially not a plastic one.

There is too much plastic in everything we use. 世界上有太多塑膠了。
Plastic is everywhere. It's in our toys, our wrappers, our clothes, in the ocean, and even in our food! 
But how did plastic get into the things we eat?
This plastic in our food comes from all the plastic things that people use everyday. 
When these things are thrown away, the plastic parts break apart, sometimes into very, very small pieces.

Sometimes the pieces become so tiny that they aren't large enough for people to see with just their eyes. 小到我們的眼睛都看不到。

They are so small we need a microscope to see them! 需要用顯微?才看的到!
These plastic parts are called microplastics. "Micro" means very, very small.
These microplastics sometimes end up in nature and in the ocean, 
and it is eaten by animals and people.

It's very bad for animals when they eat too much plastic. 
It hurts their bodies, and it eventually kills them.

Scientists aren't sure what microplastics will do to people though. But they think microplastics are probably not very good for our health.

Eating plastic hurts animals, so it probably hurts us too!
Scientists say it's important to avoid using plastic where you can,


Then there will be less plastic thrown away and broken down into microplastics in our environment, oceans … and in our food!


2019年11月28日 星期四

ICRT Lanchbox --- US Thanksgiving (美國感恩節)

US Thanksgiving 發佈於 2019-11-28 @ http://bit.ly/2R2lj6p

Narrator: I love the autumn season. Everything smells so good! There is the smell of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and cinnamon spiced lattes!

Oh! The turkey's done!

And of course, there's also the wonderful smell of roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day!
Mmm … that smells delicious. 好香喔!
The mashed potatoes smell really good too. And so do the sweet potatoes!

Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of the month of November.

And it is always a public holiday in the U.S.
This means everybody gets the day off from work and school!

What is Thanksgiving? Well, it's right there in the name! It's a day where everyone gives thanks!

It is a day when people think about the things they're happy to have in their lives,
and then they remember they should be thankful for these things.

Many American families get together every year on Thanksgiving
and they also share a wonderful feast together.

A feast is basically a big meal. 。Usually, a Thanksgiving meal in the U.S. includes roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and sweet potatoes.
But there can be a lot of other things served as well!

And it all smells and tastes so good!


2019年11月27日 星期三

All about Thanksgivings




ICRT Lunch BoX---Cats can play fetch (貓也會撿東西回來)

Cats can play fetch 發佈於 2019-11-25 @ http://bit.ly/2rHp3zz

Cats can play fetch

Narrator: Ok! Ready, doggy? Who's a good doggy? Yes...you're a good doggy! Ok
… ready? Fetch!
Good dog!

Most dogs love to play with people. 很多狗狗喜歡跟人家玩。 You throw a ball
or a stick and you say, "Go fetch, doggie!" And they usually bring it back.

That's because dogs understand a lot about people. 狗很懂人的意思。

When I say, "Walk" or "the park," my dog starts jumping because she wants to
go for a walk … in the park!
當我說要去公園的時候,我的狗狗就開始跳來跳去很興奮的 But... most cats don't
do these things right? 貓就不一樣了。 Most cats don't like to go for a walk
in the park. A lot of cats like to sit by a window and watch birds, or sleep
most of the day. 大部分的貓喜歡坐在窗戶排那邊看外面或懶懶地睡覺.

And cats can't play fetch, right? 貓不會撿東西回來吧 … Wrong! 你錯了! Some
cats do like to play... Just like dogs!

Cats are very smart creatures, and did you know? Your cat knows its name!
They know you are calling them, but if they don't feel like playing, they
won't. 貓咪不想玩的話 … 牠就不會理你。

If you want to train your cat to chase something, you can try it! If the cat
does what you say, just give them a small snack. 記得給牠一個小點心。After a
while, some cats will learn to play. But remember … only if they feel like

So let's try! Good kitty! Here's a snack. Ok, now let's fetch!


2019年11月23日 星期六

Week 14 1081125-1201 Happy Thanksgiving 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 14  1081125-1201 Happy Thanksgiving
掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 14  1081125-1201 Happy Thanksgiving

上午  Morning

Oh, thanksgiving day
Thank you for thanksgiving 
Thanks giving feast
Yummy turkey 
Thanksgiving day
Five little turkeys
Baby Shark Thanksgiving Song 

下午  Afternoon

2019年11月21日 星期四

ICRT Lunch box --- 10 hours of sleep for students (給學生10小時的睡眠)

10 hours of sleep for students 發佈於 2019-11-11 @ http://bit.ly/2NNPbkT

(Yawns, and stretching sounds -- as if the person just woke up)
Narrator: 太棒了! I got ten hours of sleep 睡了十個小時 好舒服 ...
I'm going to get a really high score on my test!
Trust me, it's true! Sleeping more helps you in school.
Scientists say elementary school kids need 10 hours of sleep every night.
Adults only need 7 or 8 hours of sleep …
but kids need to sleep more to learn and remember new things at school.
If you learned something, and you just can't remember it … maybe you need more sleep!
If you want to get a high score on your tests, you need to do three things:
Number one: Go to bed at the same time 每天晚上同一個時間要睡覺 …
If you go to sleep at 8 o'clock one night and 10 o'clock the next night …
your body gets confused …
Your brain says, "Hey! Should I feel tired now?"
Or maybe it's saying, "Ahhhh! I'm tired, help!"
Number two: Don't play with your cell phone or watch TV at night!
The bright light of the TV or your phone tells your body to wake up.
And that's not good before bedtime.
Number three: Exercise! Did you know sitting all day is bad for your brain,
bad for your heart, bad for your … well … it's bad for your whole body!
Also, exercising every day helps you sleep! 運動可以幫我們好好的入睡!
And not just on days before a test.
If you want high scores, you need to have good sleep habits every day!
So remember the magic number: 10!
You need ten hours of sleep!


2019年11月19日 星期二

ICRT Lunch box--- How animals prepare for cold weather (動物如何準備渡過寒冷天氣)

How animals prepare for cold weather 發佈於 2019-11-08 @ http://bit.ly/33P93JJ

(SFX: cold wind sounds)
Narrator: Brrr! It's cold! 世界很多地方越來越冷了!
So it's time to stay warm and sit by the fire! (SFX: fire crackling sounds)
Many people are also putting on thicker clothes to stay warm.
But what do animals do? They don't have any clothes to put on.
And they can't build a fire outdoors. 牠們沒有衣服不會冷嗎?
Don't worry. 不用擔心, animals get ready for cold weather very differently
than people do. And every animal is different.
(SFX: birds chirping)
For example, many birds begin to fly south when the weather gets colder,
because most places in the south are warmer.
天氣變冷有些鳥會往南飛, but their trips can take a very long time, so they need to rest.
旅途很遠他們需要找地方休息. Sometimes it takes months!
有時候好幾個月! Can you imagine traveling anywhere for that long?
(SFX: bear sniffing and growling)
Bears like to sleep during the winter.
So before they do that they like to eat … a lot.
(SFX: bear chomping sounds)
They eat and drink as much as they can so they can get fatter.
Getting nice and fat lets them stay warm in the winter when they're resting.
(SFX: outdoor sounds, sounds of insect wings vibrating)
What about insects? 那蟲呢? Well, all insects are different.
But insects like ladybugs like to rest until the weather is warm again.
So they also like to eat a lot before it gets cold,
this way they won't be hungry when they are resting all winter.
I'm glad I'm a person and not a wild animal.
When I'm outside I can put on a jacket,
and when I'm inside I can just turn on the heat to stay warm!

2019年11月14日 星期四

ICRT Lunch box--- Swim Across Sun Moon Lake (泳渡日月潭)

Swim Across Sun Moon Lake 發佈於 2019-11-07 @ http://bit.ly/2X09gqX

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, more more swimming … I like swimming…"
Life vest? Check! Swimming cap? Check! Goggles? Check! OK! 可以去日月潭游泳了!

What? Swim across a lake? 你覺得游過一個湖不可能嗎? Wrong! I did it, and so can you!

Every year in September, thousands and thousands of people in Taiwan swim across Sun Moon Lake! Now it's a famous swimming event and people from all around the world go to swim across the lake!

Sun Moon Lake is Taiwan's biggest freshwater lake. You can open your eyes underwater and it doesn't hurt. 在湖裡面游泳,可以睜開眼睛。

My favorite place for freshwater swimming in Taiwan is Sun Moon Lake in Nantou!

People of all ages … from 10-years-old to 100-years-old … swim 3,000 meters across Sun Moon Lake every year.

這不是比賽. You can swim fast or you can swim slow … you just need to get to the other side.

There are lots of lifeguards watching all the swimmers … and you need to wear a special life-vest...and that's good because safety is important. 每個人都要穿救生衣,應為安全最重要!

Want to join me and thousands of other people when we swim across Sun Moon Lake next year?

You do? Ok, well … you need to be at least 10-years-old. You need to be a good swimmer...and you need to talk to your mom and dad, and they can help you sign up. 你想參加的話,可以上網報名。

3,000 meters is pretty far … but it feels so good when you get to the other side!

I felt like a hero!

3公里聽起來很遠但是你一游到對岸, 感覺好棒喔

Ok, see you next year in Nantou! We're going to swim across Sun Moon Lake.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…."

And remember -- SAFETY FIRST!


The tradition of Thanksgiving 感恩節的傳統

在感恩節的時候,美國人會有什麼傳統的活動呢? 讓我們來看一下以下影片的介紹:

@ You can know more about Thanksgiving here ↓

2019年11月12日 星期二

ICRT Lunch box - Stop honking your horn(停止按喇叭)

Stop honking your horn 發佈於 2019-11-06 @ http://bit.ly/2Q0RxhC 

Narrator: Hey! You! Get out of my way! Me first! 我先!
Whoa! That's not very nice, is it? All that beeping … 好吵喔!

Do you know the word "pollution"? There is air pollution or water pollution
… but there is also another kind of pollution we have in our cities every day: noise pollution!

Lots of cars and motorcycles beeping their horns are kinds of noise pollution.
Sometimes you have to beep your horn as a warning … for safety.

That's noise pollution.

In a country called Bangladesh, noise pollution from beeping cars and trucks and motorcycles is so bad, many people say they can't hear very well anymore.

Sometimes the traffic sounds in big cities in Bangladesh are as loud as a music concert … but "beep, beep, beep" is not music. 聽起來真的很煩!

One man in Bangladesh says he wants to stop all the beeping. So what does he do? He holds up a big sign near roads where there are a lot of beeping cars.

On the sign, it says "It's stupid to beep for no reason!"

The man hopes people will see the sign and think about noise pollution. He says many people send him messages or tell him that he's doing a good job.

The horn on a car or a motorcycle is for safety … one "beep" means, "Hey!

Maybe you didn't see me here!" Be careful! 喇叭按一下就好,意思是[小心]!

We shouldn't beep all the time just because we're tired or bored or there is a lot of traffic.

I hope more people around the world listen to the man in Bangladesh, and we don't like to hear loud beeps either. Let's save our ears! 救救我們的耳朵吧!


2019年11月9日 星期六

Thanksgiving 感恩節的由來~

Thanksgiving is just coming after Halloween. It's also one of the most important holidays in the US. Do you know the origin of Thanksgiving? Let's see...

@ The origin of Thanksgiving (中文介紹)

@ The first Thanksgiving

2019年11月7日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox --- Toy Monkey Story (玩具猴子的故事)

Toy Monkey Story 發佈於 2019-11-01 @ http://bit.ly/2Nl3qxd

Narrator: Have you got a favorite toy? 你有最喜歡的玩具嗎? I do… (baby talk)
It's my iddy, widdy, cutey, wutey, Toby the teddy bear... Ahem! (clears throat)
Anyway, where was I? I wish I could take Toby the teddy bear everywhere I go!
At one school in Australia, that's what kids are doing! Kids borrow soft cuddly toys from school and bring them on their vacations!
學生可以借絨毛玩具去度假! The kids then give it back to the school.
One of the toys is called Harriet the monkey. (SFX: Monkey noise) She has been going on adventures with kids for years now! She's been camping, to Granny and Grandpa's house, and even to the pyramids in Egypt! Woah!
But Harriet's biggest adventure was when a little girl and her family took her to visit Great Britain.
On their journey, they went to Buckingham Palace, which is where the Queen lives! 還去女王的家耶!
But then … Oh no! The little girl left Harriet in one of the palace's big rooms and then… forgot her! 完蛋了! 怎麼辦!?
When the little girl went back to school, she was sad. So her classmates helped her write a letter to the Queen! 同學們寫信給女王.
One week later, someone answered!
People from the palace looked up, looked down, and all around the huge palace. 他們到處找.
Finally, they found Harriet getting up to all kinds of monkey business!
Harriet was sent back home to Australia, together with a cuddly toy dog called Rex!
Harriet 被送回澳洲,還有新朋友,狗狗 Rex!
It all worked out in the end, and everyone, including all monkeys, dogs, kids, and queens are safely back at home after their amazing adventure.

2019年11月6日 星期三

ICRT Lunchbox --- There Really Are UFOs (真的有幽浮~)

There Really Are UFOs 發佈於 2019-10-28 http://bit.ly/2NjoW5A

Narrator: Do you believe in aliens? 你相信有外星人嗎?

Some people think aliens really exist. Actually, a lot of people think that.
其實很多人相信有外星人的存在. But many others don't believe there are aliens.

There are many movies about aliens. One famous movie is Star Wars. ……..
Star Wars 這部電影應該看過吧. There are many aliens in the Star Wars movies.

When we think about aliens, we also think about UFOs. A UFO is what we call
something flying through the air, but we don't know what it is. 你看過幽浮嗎?

他的英文是 U-F-O 記得不要說yufo喔!

Most people think UFOs might be alien spaceships. And usually, people think
these alien spaceships are round and fly very, very fast.

Some military pilots say they have seen UFOs. And these pilots take videos of

In the past, the military has said these videos are fake. But, recently, the
military said, "yes," some pilots really did see UFOs!

這樣表示外星人真的存在嗎? Well, maybe. Or maybe not. The military still
doesn't know what these UFOs were or who was flying them.

But we know the military pilots saw something. We don't know what that
something really was, though.

Was it an alien? Or was it a military test plane?

And we don't know if an alien was flying in those UFOs.
沒有人知道這些幽浮是什麼? 是外星人還是軍方的式飛呢?

I hope one day we'll know the truth.

2019年11月1日 星期五

ICRT Lunchbox --- Man plants entire forest by himself (自己種植整片森林)

Man plants entire forest by himself   發佈於 2019-10-23 @ http://bit.ly/2BL5uYX

Narrator: There! Done. I've planted ten seeds today. 好累喔。
That was a lot of hard work.
It doesn't sound that difficult, does it? But it feels like very hard work.
Now imagine thousands of trees! Yes! Thousands! That is exactly what one man in India did.
The man's name is Jadav Payeng, he's famous for planting trees.
He is known as the Forest Man of India. Can you guess why?
That's because he planted an entire forest by himself! 他自己種一片大樹林! 很厲害吧!
He started only planting a few trees.
Then every day he began planting more and more. He did this for thirty years.
Over time, as the many trees grew, they became a forest.
Now, the forest covers a space that is 550 hectares.你知道這樣有多大嗎?
It's about 15 football stadiums big. That is huge!
That is larger than Central Park in New York City.
All of these trees are good for the animals too, because the forest became their home.
Now, a lot of different animals live in this forest.
There are Bengal tigers, Indian rhinoceros, over 100 deer, rabbits, monkeys, and birds.
About 100 wild elephants visit the forest every year, and they have their babies there.
Isn't that amazing? One man created a forest all by himself,
and now that forest is a home for hundreds of different animals.
And it is all because he started by planting a few trees.

2019年10月29日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Don't Drink Too Much Soda (別喝太多汽水)

Don't Drink Too Much Soda 發佈於 2019-10-22 @ http://bit.ly/31QMzXd

Narrator: 我好喜歡喝汽水。 It tastes soooo good!

你喜歡喝汽水嗎? A lot of people love it. And they drink a lot of soda. But
they should not do that. 汽水有很多糖分。

Soda has a lot of sugar in it, and sugar is what makes food taste sweet.
That's why soda, tastes so sweet.

I'm sure you like sugar. A lot of people do. I like sugar, too. But I know
this is not a good thing. Sugar is not good for your body.

吃太多糖對身體不好。Sugar can hurt many parts of your body. For example, it
can do bad things to your teeth. This is why it's important to brush your
teeth every day.

Too much sugar can even harm your heart.

Yes, it's true - even your heart! And, of course, too much sugar makes you
fat. 糖不但讓人發胖,還帶來健康問題! It can cause more health problems.

Some people did experiments on drinking soda.

They studied people who drink at least two glasses of soda every day. They
found that these people often have health problems. So put down that can of
soda right now!

不是故意嚇你。But it's true. Too much sugar is really bad for you. If you
want to live a long, healthy life, don't drink soda too often.

Also, don't eat too many other sweet desserts.

Oh, don't forget to do exercise, too. Exercise helps your body. It can even
help it fight the bad effects of sugar. 每天都要做做運動喔!

So if you want to stay healthy, eat less sugar, and remember to get some


Halloween 知多少~

Halloween is coming. 

Do you know well about Halloween? 

Let's do a little practice.

大家可以完成下面的學習單,完成後可以按下最底下的 FINISH 來檢核自己的答案喔!!

2019年10月28日 星期一

Week 10 1081028-1101 Happy Halloween掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 10  1081028-1101 Happy Halloween
掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 10  1081028-1101Happy Halloween

上午  Morning

Halloween is coming
Trick or treat, give me something good to eat
Ten little monster
Knock, knock, trick or treat

下午  Afternoon
The skeleton dance 

2019年10月25日 星期五

ICRT Lunchbox --- Most powerful electric eel ever discovered (最強電鰻)

Most powerful electric eel ever discovered 發佈於 2019-10-18 @ http://bit.ly/2BIgQge

Rivers can be a place full of dangerous and powerful creatures.
(SFX: crocodile hissing sounds )
Nope, I'm not thinking of the crocodile. Although crocodiles are dangerous
Crocodiles are very strong animals that have a lot of sharp teeth. This makes
them seem very dangerous.
There is a creature that is just as dangerous as the crocodile. It might even
be more dangerous.
(SFX: snake hissing)
No, it's not the snake. Even though snakes can sometimes bite!
(SFX: angry hippo sounds)
No, it's not the hippopotamus - or hippo - for short. Even though hippos are
also very large and powerful creatures. 不是蛇,也不是河馬。
I'm thinking of the eel! 如果說是鰻魚你會很驚訝嗎?
Did you know that some eels are electric? (SFX: electricity sounds)
這是真的! Some eels are able to shock other fish with electricity!
Electric eels do this when they hunt. They shock other fish with electricity
to stun them and then they become lunch for the eel.
And researchers have found a very powerful eel in the Amazon. This eel is the
most powerful one ever found.
(SFX: more electricity sounds)
This eel can generate 860 volts of electricity. It is the strongest amount of
electricity ever recorded in an eel. 這種電鰻可以發出860伏特的電流。
That is about eight times more powerful than the electricity that comes out
your electrical outlets at home!
That would be a very painful electric shock. If I'm ever in the Amazon, I
hope I don't meet an electric eel!

2019年10月19日 星期六

ICRT Lunchbox---Gel to help teeth repair themselves (幫助牙齒自我修復的凝膠)

Gel to help teeth repair themselves 發佈於 2019-10-15 @ http://bit.ly/32nu2D0

Narrator: Oh no! The dentist! 又要看牙醫了。I hate getting my teeth checked!
It's so painful!
It's my own fault. 我好多顆牙齒都蛀牙了。
I don't take very good care of my teeth.
I like eating sweet things too much! I really enjoy eating cakes and candies.
But eating all these sweet things makes my teeth hurt, because doctors say too much sweet stuff is bad for teeth.
Also, I don't like to brush my teeth, and I really hate cleaning between my teeth.
But when I don't take care of my teeth, the dentist says they might all fall out!
醫生幫我補牙也沒用 … The doctor tries to fix the problem, but it doesn't help …
But guess what I heard?
There are smart people who are making something that might fix my tooth problems forever!
Some scientists are trying to create a special gel that could help teeth fix themselves! 很酷吧!
(laughing) It obviously won't help you grow new teeth, it just helps the teeth you already have.
If this gel can help teeth fix themselves, then I won't have to worry about going to the doctor!
My bad teeth will just heal all by themselves!
然後我就可以繼續吃糖果跟蛋糕 ... and I will still be fine!
But … scientists are still doing a lot of tests before they can let people use this special gel.
So it might be a long time before I can use this amazing gel on my own teeth.
So, I guess right now, I should just take better care of myself. I guess I will go brush my teeth right now.

2019年10月18日 星期五

ICRT Lunchbox---200 years of Bicycles (200百年的腳踏車)

200 years of Bicycles 發佈於 2019-10-11 @ http://bit.ly/2OYT4EF

Hi everyone!
騎腳踏車好好玩喔! 你會騎嗎?
I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was in the fifth grade … and I still ride a bicycle whenever I can!
Using a bicycle is a smart idea. 不用汽油或馬達 … you just need your legs!
Sit on the seat, put your feet on the pedals … push the pedals and go! --
It's pedal power! Amazing! Such a great idea!
So, who had this smart idea? 是誰先發明腳踏車?
Well, the answer is: a lot of people.
The first idea for a bicycle is more than 200 years old! It was made in Germany. But the first bicycle didn't have pedals … you put your feet on the ground and pushed the bicycle forward with your legs.
Now, bicycles use pedals, a chain, and gears …. now, you can ride a bicycle really far and really fast!
Today, lots of people use "public bicycles."
"Public" means "for people" and … well … you know what "bicycle" means, right?
A public bicycle is a bicycle anyone can borrow - or rent - for only a little money. It's an easy and convenient idea!
In Taipei, public bicycles are called "U-Bikes" and in Kaohsiung, they are called "C-Bikes."
Hey … maybe we don't need so many cars or motorcycles…we can ride bicycles!
Bicycles are clean and quiet … and you can get some exercise when you ride them, too!
And did you know? Taiwan makes really good bicycles! All over the world, people love bicycles made in Taiwan. Cool, right?
I'm really glad so many people had great ideas that gave us bicycles! Pedal power is amazing!

2019年10月9日 星期三

Week 8 10810014-18 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 8  10810014-18 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 8  10810014-18

2019年10月6日 星期日

Do Re Mi

Do - Re - Mi
Let's start at the very beginning  讓我們從頭開始  
A very good place to start   
When you read you begin with - A - B – C  
When you sing you begin with Do - Re – Mi
唱歌的時候從「Do Re Mi」開始教
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
Do - Re - Mi - Fa - So - La - Ti...

(Come, I will make it easier for you. Now, listen...)

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿

Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun 
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself 
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run 
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread
La - a note to follow So 
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun  
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself  
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run  
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread 
La - a note to follow So  
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!


Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re -

Do - Mi - Mi,   Mi - So - So
Re - Fa - Fa,    La - Ti - Ti

Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )

Maria: When you know the notes to sing 當你認識這些音符
You can sing most... 你就可以唱出大部分...
All: anything! 任何歌曲

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun  
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself  
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run  
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread 
La - a note to follow So  
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!

That will bring...us...back...to...
Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re – Do