2019年11月27日 星期三

ICRT Lunch BoX---Cats can play fetch (貓也會撿東西回來)

Cats can play fetch 發佈於 2019-11-25 @ http://bit.ly/2rHp3zz

Cats can play fetch

Narrator: Ok! Ready, doggy? Who's a good doggy? Yes...you're a good doggy! Ok
… ready? Fetch!
Good dog!

Most dogs love to play with people. 很多狗狗喜歡跟人家玩。 You throw a ball
or a stick and you say, "Go fetch, doggie!" And they usually bring it back.

That's because dogs understand a lot about people. 狗很懂人的意思。

When I say, "Walk" or "the park," my dog starts jumping because she wants to
go for a walk … in the park!
當我說要去公園的時候,我的狗狗就開始跳來跳去很興奮的 But... most cats don't
do these things right? 貓就不一樣了。 Most cats don't like to go for a walk
in the park. A lot of cats like to sit by a window and watch birds, or sleep
most of the day. 大部分的貓喜歡坐在窗戶排那邊看外面或懶懶地睡覺.

And cats can't play fetch, right? 貓不會撿東西回來吧 … Wrong! 你錯了! Some
cats do like to play... Just like dogs!

Cats are very smart creatures, and did you know? Your cat knows its name!
They know you are calling them, but if they don't feel like playing, they
won't. 貓咪不想玩的話 … 牠就不會理你。

If you want to train your cat to chase something, you can try it! If the cat
does what you say, just give them a small snack. 記得給牠一個小點心。After a
while, some cats will learn to play. But remember … only if they feel like

So let's try! Good kitty! Here's a snack. Ok, now let's fetch!



Cats need training to chase something.

1) Train訓練。 I'm training my dog to sit.我正在訓練我的狗坐下。Is your dog
trained to chase rabbits? 你的狗受過追兔子的訓練嗎?

2) Chase追逐。Stop chasing me! 不要追著我跑! My cat likes to chase

3) Throw扔。Throw a stick, and your dog will go after
it.你扔一根棍子,你的狗會追過去。I've thrown away most of the

4) Go for a walk去散步。Walk 走路。Do you walk to school every
day?你每天走路上學嗎? No, I take the MRT.不是,我是搭捷運。Let's take a

5) Snack點心。Dark chocolate and bananas are good
What other snacks do you like? Let's read the words. Train訓練 chase追逐
throw扔 walk走路 snack點心



1. What game can some cats learn to play?
a. Basketball
b. Fetch
c. Hide and seek

2. What can you use to train cats?
a. Snacks
b. Snakes
c. Money

3. What does a cat know?
a. Its name
b. How to sing
c. How to fly


1. B 2.A 3.A

