2019年10月29日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Don't Drink Too Much Soda (別喝太多汽水)

Don't Drink Too Much Soda 發佈於 2019-10-22 @ http://bit.ly/31QMzXd

Narrator: 我好喜歡喝汽水。 It tastes soooo good!

你喜歡喝汽水嗎? A lot of people love it. And they drink a lot of soda. But
they should not do that. 汽水有很多糖分。

Soda has a lot of sugar in it, and sugar is what makes food taste sweet.
That's why soda, tastes so sweet.

I'm sure you like sugar. A lot of people do. I like sugar, too. But I know
this is not a good thing. Sugar is not good for your body.

吃太多糖對身體不好。Sugar can hurt many parts of your body. For example, it
can do bad things to your teeth. This is why it's important to brush your
teeth every day.

Too much sugar can even harm your heart.

Yes, it's true - even your heart! And, of course, too much sugar makes you
fat. 糖不但讓人發胖,還帶來健康問題! It can cause more health problems.

Some people did experiments on drinking soda.

They studied people who drink at least two glasses of soda every day. They
found that these people often have health problems. So put down that can of
soda right now!

不是故意嚇你。But it's true. Too much sugar is really bad for you. If you
want to live a long, healthy life, don't drink soda too often.

Also, don't eat too many other sweet desserts.

Oh, don't forget to do exercise, too. Exercise helps your body. It can even
help it fight the bad effects of sugar. 每天都要做做運動喔!

So if you want to stay healthy, eat less sugar, and remember to get some


Halloween 知多少~

Halloween is coming. 

Do you know well about Halloween? 

Let's do a little practice.

大家可以完成下面的學習單,完成後可以按下最底下的 FINISH 來檢核自己的答案喔!!

2019年10月28日 星期一

Week 10 1081028-1101 Happy Halloween掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 10  1081028-1101 Happy Halloween
掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 10  1081028-1101Happy Halloween

上午  Morning

Halloween is coming
Trick or treat, give me something good to eat
Ten little monster
Knock, knock, trick or treat

下午  Afternoon
The skeleton dance 

2019年10月25日 星期五

ICRT Lunchbox --- Most powerful electric eel ever discovered (最強電鰻)

Most powerful electric eel ever discovered 發佈於 2019-10-18 @ http://bit.ly/2BIgQge

Rivers can be a place full of dangerous and powerful creatures.
(SFX: crocodile hissing sounds )
Nope, I'm not thinking of the crocodile. Although crocodiles are dangerous
Crocodiles are very strong animals that have a lot of sharp teeth. This makes
them seem very dangerous.
There is a creature that is just as dangerous as the crocodile. It might even
be more dangerous.
(SFX: snake hissing)
No, it's not the snake. Even though snakes can sometimes bite!
(SFX: angry hippo sounds)
No, it's not the hippopotamus - or hippo - for short. Even though hippos are
also very large and powerful creatures. 不是蛇,也不是河馬。
I'm thinking of the eel! 如果說是鰻魚你會很驚訝嗎?
Did you know that some eels are electric? (SFX: electricity sounds)
這是真的! Some eels are able to shock other fish with electricity!
Electric eels do this when they hunt. They shock other fish with electricity
to stun them and then they become lunch for the eel.
And researchers have found a very powerful eel in the Amazon. This eel is the
most powerful one ever found.
(SFX: more electricity sounds)
This eel can generate 860 volts of electricity. It is the strongest amount of
electricity ever recorded in an eel. 這種電鰻可以發出860伏特的電流。
That is about eight times more powerful than the electricity that comes out
your electrical outlets at home!
That would be a very painful electric shock. If I'm ever in the Amazon, I
hope I don't meet an electric eel!

2019年10月19日 星期六

ICRT Lunchbox---Gel to help teeth repair themselves (幫助牙齒自我修復的凝膠)

Gel to help teeth repair themselves 發佈於 2019-10-15 @ http://bit.ly/32nu2D0

Narrator: Oh no! The dentist! 又要看牙醫了。I hate getting my teeth checked!
It's so painful!
It's my own fault. 我好多顆牙齒都蛀牙了。
I don't take very good care of my teeth.
I like eating sweet things too much! I really enjoy eating cakes and candies.
But eating all these sweet things makes my teeth hurt, because doctors say too much sweet stuff is bad for teeth.
Also, I don't like to brush my teeth, and I really hate cleaning between my teeth.
But when I don't take care of my teeth, the dentist says they might all fall out!
醫生幫我補牙也沒用 … The doctor tries to fix the problem, but it doesn't help …
But guess what I heard?
There are smart people who are making something that might fix my tooth problems forever!
Some scientists are trying to create a special gel that could help teeth fix themselves! 很酷吧!
(laughing) It obviously won't help you grow new teeth, it just helps the teeth you already have.
If this gel can help teeth fix themselves, then I won't have to worry about going to the doctor!
My bad teeth will just heal all by themselves!
然後我就可以繼續吃糖果跟蛋糕 ... and I will still be fine!
But … scientists are still doing a lot of tests before they can let people use this special gel.
So it might be a long time before I can use this amazing gel on my own teeth.
So, I guess right now, I should just take better care of myself. I guess I will go brush my teeth right now.

2019年10月18日 星期五

ICRT Lunchbox---200 years of Bicycles (200百年的腳踏車)

200 years of Bicycles 發佈於 2019-10-11 @ http://bit.ly/2OYT4EF

Hi everyone!
騎腳踏車好好玩喔! 你會騎嗎?
I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was in the fifth grade … and I still ride a bicycle whenever I can!
Using a bicycle is a smart idea. 不用汽油或馬達 … you just need your legs!
Sit on the seat, put your feet on the pedals … push the pedals and go! --
It's pedal power! Amazing! Such a great idea!
So, who had this smart idea? 是誰先發明腳踏車?
Well, the answer is: a lot of people.
The first idea for a bicycle is more than 200 years old! It was made in Germany. But the first bicycle didn't have pedals … you put your feet on the ground and pushed the bicycle forward with your legs.
Now, bicycles use pedals, a chain, and gears …. now, you can ride a bicycle really far and really fast!
Today, lots of people use "public bicycles."
"Public" means "for people" and … well … you know what "bicycle" means, right?
A public bicycle is a bicycle anyone can borrow - or rent - for only a little money. It's an easy and convenient idea!
In Taipei, public bicycles are called "U-Bikes" and in Kaohsiung, they are called "C-Bikes."
Hey … maybe we don't need so many cars or motorcycles…we can ride bicycles!
Bicycles are clean and quiet … and you can get some exercise when you ride them, too!
And did you know? Taiwan makes really good bicycles! All over the world, people love bicycles made in Taiwan. Cool, right?
I'm really glad so many people had great ideas that gave us bicycles! Pedal power is amazing!

2019年10月9日 星期三

Week 8 10810014-18 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 8  10810014-18 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 8  10810014-18

2019年10月6日 星期日

Do Re Mi

Do - Re - Mi
Let's start at the very beginning  讓我們從頭開始  
A very good place to start   
When you read you begin with - A - B – C  
When you sing you begin with Do - Re – Mi
唱歌的時候從「Do Re Mi」開始教
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
Do - Re - Mi - Fa - So - La - Ti...

(Come, I will make it easier for you. Now, listen...)

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿

Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun 
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself 
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run 
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread
La - a note to follow So 
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun  
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself  
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run  
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread 
La - a note to follow So  
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!


Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re -

Do - Mi - Mi,   Mi - So - So
Re - Fa - Fa,    La - Ti - Ti

Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )

Maria: When you know the notes to sing 當你認識這些音符
You can sing most... 你就可以唱出大部分...
All: anything! 任何歌曲

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer  Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun  
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself  
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run  
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread 
La - a note to follow So  
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!

That will bring...us...back...to...
Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re – Do

真善美 (Do Re Mi) 嘉頌版

 <<< 播放音樂

Kids, Let's sing with the beautiful melody!  小朋友  我們跟著美妙的伴奏一起唱喔! 
Do - Re – Mi   真善美  嘉頌版   

Let's start at the very beginning    
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with - A - B - C
When you sing you begin with Do - Re - Mi
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do - Re - Mi, Do - Re - Mi
Do - Re - Mi - Fa - So - La - Ti...

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread
La - a note to follow So
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!

Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re -
Do - Mi - Mi,   Mi - So - So

Re - Fa - Fa,    La - Ti - Ti

Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )
(Do - Mi - Mi, Mi - So - So, Re - Fa - Fa, La - Ti - Ti )

Maria: When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything!

Do (Doe) - a deer, a female deer
Re (Ray) - a drop of golden sun
Mi (Me) - a name, I call myself
Fa (Far) - a long long way to run
So (Sew) - a needle pulling thread
La - a note to follow So
Ti (Tea) - a drink with jam and bread
That will bring...us...back...to...

Do-Ti - La - So - Fa - Mi - Re -
Do -so - do
-------------------------------(中文翻譯版 請往下繼續閱讀)----------------------------------

ICRT Lunchbox---Mummies Are Real! (木乃伊是真的!!!)

Mummies Are Real!   發佈於 2019-10-04 @ http://bit.ly/31J7tYZ <<< 點選這裡收聽

Narrator: Do you like scary stories about ghosts, monsters and mummies?

Narrator: Of course, you do! You can see mummies in comics, video games and
movies! 你應該有看過木乃伊的電影吧? In the movies, mummies are like monsters.
They have bandages all over their bodies. They usually walk slowly and chase
people. 電影裡面的木乃伊有點像殭屍。對吧?

Well, I have a true story to tell you about real mummies! Yes, there really
are mummies in the world. But they aren't like the scary ones in the

A lot of real mummies have been found in Egypt over the years. And recently,
30 were found!

Female: Oh no! Mummies! Run away!

Narrator: Don't worry. These mummies may be real, but real ones can't hurt

People found these mummies by digging in the ground. Imagine finding 30
mummies! That would be so exciting, right? 如果一次挖到30個木乃伊會很刺激吧

Female : Don't open the coffins! Isn't that bad luck???

Narrator: No! Of course, not! 木乃伊的詛咒不是真的啦。They are just dead
people wrapped up in bandages, not monsters. These real mummies are about
2,400 years old. That's over 2,000 years old! They can't walk or hurt you.
That only happens in the movies and in stories.

Now, here's something that's very interesting. People think there are even
more mummies buried in the ground.

Isn't history fun? 歷史是很有趣的 Maybe you'll get a chance to visit
Egypt.你會想去埃及嗎? If you do, you'll love the many old, old buildings. And
if you see a mummy or two in a museum, don't worry.
在博物館看到木乃伊其實不用擔心的They can't hurt you!


2019年10月5日 星期六

ICRT Lunchbox---WasteShark (海洋吸塵器)

WasteShark 發佈於 2019-09-30 @ http://bit.ly/2nutCvo <<< 點選這裡收聽

How's it going, everyone? Ready for another story time? Let's get right into it!

Ahhh! The ocean….. Home to some amazing creatures.

Like tuna fish..... whales ... dolphins… and......trash cans? .........Huh? In the ocean?

Yep. 沒錯. 現在海裡有垃圾桶! There are now trash cans in the ocean!

But these aren't just any trash cans. These are very special trash cans.
這些垃圾桶很特別! They can swim and have really biiiig mouths!

But what do you call a swimming trash can with a big mouth that hunts garbage?

It's called WasteShark! Waste就是 汙染... and shark 就是鯊魚! …….Uh nope...
That's not right. …..Yeah, that's more like it!

WasteShark acts kind of like a garbage truck... but in the water! Collecting
the trash floating on top in harbors and rivers.

Doesn't it make you sad to see trash on the ground or floating around in water?
看到地上或水上有垃圾, 不會難過嗎?

Well, the WasteShark's big mouth is perfect for catching trash and other
waste we don't want on the water's surface.
WasteShark的大嘴巴剛好可以塞很多垃圾. WasteShark can also tell the water's
temperature and check that it is safe and clean. WasteShark 還會測溫度跟汙染!

The idea for WasteShark comes from a…. whale shark! The biggest fish in the
world! WasteShark 的靈感來自於鯨鯊, 世界上最大的魚. Whale sharks and
Wastesharks both swim around with their huge mouths open
Ahhhhh! 一直開嘴巴吃東西.

But don't worry, WasteShark doesn't bite, okay? And it also won't hurt any
little fish or other wildlife. 不用擔心, WasteShark 不會吃小魚或動物.
WasteShark only eats trash!

Errrr... yummy?? 我...還是吃我的便當好了...

2019年10月4日 星期五

Week 7 1081005-1011 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

Week 7  1081005-1011 掃地時間英語歌曲 Songs during the cleaning time~

English Songs during the Cleaning Time

小朋友~ 掃地時間~ 你知道你聽到的是什麼英語歌曲呢?  一起來唱歌學英文!!!!!
Hi, students. 
Do you know the songs you heard during the cleaning time? 
Let's sing and learn English.

Week 7  1081005-1011 

2019年10月3日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox---Pepper the Robot (機器人 Pepper)

Pepper the Robot 發佈於 2019-09-25 http://bit.ly/2oIQuY2 <<< 點選這裡收聽

Hey, kids!

Today, let's talk about robots! Robots 就是機器人阿!

(imitating robot) Hello...I...am...a…robot…Hehe!… Not really. But I do know a robot. 
我當然不是機器人,可是我有認識啊 Want to meet her?  這是Pepper
, 她是機器人

Pepper: Hi there. My name is Pepper. How are you?

Hey Pepper. I'm fine, thanks! Isn't Pepper great? She can do lots of cool stuff! Pepper 
超酷喔 會做很多事.

Pepper: I can offer help... remember faces... and also tell jokes.
它會跟你聊天, 記得你的臉, 還會講笑話!

Pepper: I can speak lots of languages too… 還會說中文.

Woah! See! Cool, right?!

Have you ever seen a robot? 看過機器人嗎? Well, even if you haven't, you might soon! Pepper the robot is being used as a helper at some companies, shops, and hospitals!

Pepper 已經在一些公司 商店 跟醫院上班耶! 以後很有可能會到處看的到她 ! Some
people even have a robot like Pepper at home! 有的人還會有一個像Pepper一
樣的機器人在家裡 !

Pepper even has a few brothers!

Nao, who is smaller and Romeo who is taller. 小的叫Nao, 大的叫 Romeo. Oh!
Then there's also Whiz! 第三個叫Whiz! 她是吸塵器 He's a vacuum cleaner!

Unlike his brothers and sister, Whiz is isn't much of a talker. Whiz
講的話比較少... (shouting) but he is a great little helper!

Mmmm… And while Whiz cleans up… I can (sits down)... ahhh... put my feet
up… and relax. Whiz 打掃的時候我就可以休息一下… Oh! Hey, Pepper! Get me a
lemonade will ya?

Pepper: No... way.

Hmph...Well, it was worth a try, right?

2019年10月1日 星期二

維多利亞雙語中小學 第十六屆『維校盃』英文競試

『維校盃』英文競試又來囉~ 請有興趣的同學踴躍參加,以下是相關的訊息:

@ 參加對象:公私立國小五、六年級學生(不含雙語學校學生)。
@ 報名時間:即日起至 108 年 10 月 25 日。
@ 競試時間、地點:108 年 11 月 3 日(星期日)上午 維多利亞雙語中小學
@ 報名方式:
  (一)本項競試簡章公佈於學校網站 www.victoria.ylc.edu.tw,請上網下載列印。
  (二) 報名方式:一律採取網路報名方式辦理,或至學校網站首頁點選招生系統,
  (三)報名費:300 元 (含考生餐盒一份) 
  (四)匯款帳號:解款行:彰化銀行西螺分行(銀行代號 009) 