2019年12月26日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox --- Cookies in Space (餅乾在太空中)

Cookies in Space 發佈於 2019-12-13 @ http://bit.ly/2LPs2Np

Narrator: Have you ever thought about what it would be like in space?
I'm sure it would be really exciting!
But … then again, I guess there'd also be boring parts too,

You should probably bring something to do for fun. What would you bring?
A book? Your favorite music, or game? What about snacks? What about ...
chocolate-chip cookies?! Mmmm … That's right! 帶巧克力豆餅乾!應該不錯吧!
Well, astronauts won't be bringing cookies to space, they'll be baking cookies in space!
Astronauts have blasted off a rocket ship, and they brought ingredients and a special oven to the International Space Station!
(SFX: Radio effect) One small step for cookies, one giant leap for cookie kind. (SFX: Radio effect)

The astronauts want to find out how high temperatures and zero gravity
affects baking, and the taste and texture of the cookies.
But, believe it or not, baking cookies in space is actually a dangerous mission!
That's because crumbs fall out when you eat cookies. And since there's no gravity in space,
the crumbs fly around and could get stuck in the equipment!

So they need to make the cookies crumb-free!
You never know, chocolate chip cookies might taste even better in space!
(SFX: Radio effect) Houston, we have a cookie. (SFX: Radio effect)
I hope their plan works, and I hope they bring back some super tasty space cookies for us too!

# Vocabulary

I'd really like to travel to space, wouldn't you?
1. Space太空。Space travel is no longer a dream.太空旅行已經不再是做夢。
                              How  many stars are there in space?太空中有多少星星?
                              Millions of them, I think.好像有好幾百萬顆吧。

2. Exciting讓人興奮的。We won, we are the champions! 我們贏了,我們是冠軍!
                                              Wow, that's exciting news! 哇,真讓人興奮的消息!

3. Boring無聊的。School is boring.上學好無聊。
                                   The meeting was boring. I left quickly.會議很無聊,我很快就走了。

4. Zero gravity零重力,zero零,gravity地心引力。
                                      There's no gravity in space.太空中沒有地心引力。

5. Bake烤。Are you baking a cake? It smells amazing! 你在烤蛋糕嗎?聞起來真香!

Let's read the words. Space太空 exciting讓人興奮的 boring無聊的 gravity地心引力 bake烤

# Quiz

