2019年11月28日 星期四

ICRT Lanchbox --- US Thanksgiving (美國感恩節)

US Thanksgiving 發佈於 2019-11-28 @ http://bit.ly/2R2lj6p

Narrator: I love the autumn season. Everything smells so good! There is the smell of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and cinnamon spiced lattes!

Oh! The turkey's done!

And of course, there's also the wonderful smell of roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day!
Mmm … that smells delicious. 好香喔!
The mashed potatoes smell really good too. And so do the sweet potatoes!

Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of the month of November.

And it is always a public holiday in the U.S.
This means everybody gets the day off from work and school!

What is Thanksgiving? Well, it's right there in the name! It's a day where everyone gives thanks!

It is a day when people think about the things they're happy to have in their lives,
and then they remember they should be thankful for these things.

Many American families get together every year on Thanksgiving
and they also share a wonderful feast together.

A feast is basically a big meal. 。Usually, a Thanksgiving meal in the U.S. includes roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and sweet potatoes.
But there can be a lot of other things served as well!

And it all smells and tastes so good!


# Vocabulary

Thanksgiving is an American holiday.

1. Holiday假日。Students don't go to school on
holidays.學生假日不用上學。Double Ten Day is a public holiday.

2. Public公立的或是公開的。Public school公立學校。This park is open to the

3. Roast turkey烤火雞。Roast放在烤箱裡烤。

4. Feast盛宴。Wow, you made roast beef, fried chicken, salad, and apple pie!
What a feast! 你做了烤牛肉,炸雞,沙拉,蘋果派,真是大餐!

5. Celebrate慶祝。What are we celebrating? 我們在慶祝什麼? Nothing much, just
my birthday. 沒什麼,我的生日罷了。

So, will you celebrate Thanksgiving tonight? Let's read the words.
Holiday假日 public公立的或是公開的 roast爐烤 turkey火雞 feast盛宴 celebrate慶祝


