2019年12月19日 星期四

ICRT Lunbox -- Banqiao Christmasland (新北聖誕城 @ 板橋)

Banqiao Christmasland 發佈於 2019-12-12 @ http://bit.ly/2PxgYH7

Isn't the month of December wonderful? It's my favorite month of the year. 我最喜歡十二月了。
Do you want to know why? Because I feel so festive during December!
Festive means being cheerful and in the mood for celebration.

I feel festive, because in my family, we spend the entire month getting ready for Christmas.
Christmas falls on December 25 every year.
We put up decorations and sing Christmas songs. 我們會佈置家裡、也會唱聖誕歌。

We also buy presents! 也買禮物!

As you can tell, I like getting into the Christmas spirit!

New Taipei City is also getting into the Christmas spirit this year.
The city has a place called Christmasland that people can visit! 弄了一個新北耶誕城!

This year's Christmasland is all about lights.
There are laser light shows for people to watch.
And this year's light shows are the biggest they've ever been!
It should be quite a sight to see! 應該會很壯觀!

Some of the bridges around New Taipei City Hall will also be decorated with many, many lights.

There won't just be lights though.
There will also be a teacup ride and a merry-go-round for people to ride too!

A lot of different activities are also taking place there, like parties for kids and concerts for everyone to enjoy. 會有小孩的派對、也會有大人的音樂會。

Don't worry if you can't get to New Taipei City right away though,
Christmasland will be there all month through January 1, so you still have plenty of time to go see it.


# Vocabulary:

December is a festive season.

1. Festive喜慶的。The festive season in the U.S. starts with Thanksgiving.

2. Ready準備,get ready for替...做準備。I must get ready for my long trip.

3. Present禮物,birthday present生日禮物。
                               What Christmas presents did you get?你得到哪些聖誕禮物?
                               Let me see...two boxes of lego, a toy truck and a coat.

4. Light燈光。 Look at the beautiful Christmas lights! 你們看那些耶誕燈,好漂亮!
                             Please turn off the light.請把燈關掉。

So Merry Christmas, everyone! Let's read the words.
Festive喜慶的 ready準備 present 禮物 light燈光


# Quiz:

