2020年1月16日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox --- Chores Are Good For You (做雜務對你是有好處的)

Chores Are Good For You 發佈於 2020-01-13 @  http://bit.ly/35LURSf

Narrator: (Sfx: sound of floor being swept) Oh, hi there. I'm just sweeping the floor.
OK, that's better. I'm just doing some chores around the house.我正在做家事.
I don't really like doing chores, but it's important to do them.
You know what chores are, right? They are things like sweeping the floor,
doing the dishes, and putting out the garbage…... 你知道家事是甚麼吧?
Do you guys do chores? 你們做家事嗎? Does your mom or dad ask you to clean up
sometimes or wash the dishes? Well, even if you don't like doing chores, you
should do them. Why? Let me tell you.
People have done many studies about chores. They found out that if kids do
chores when they are young, they are more successful when they get
older.小孩在家裡做家事 以後比較會賺錢喔。They have better jobs and more
money. This is because doing chores teaches us some good things.
First, it teaches us that - if our parents did everything for us, we might
feel that we couldn't do very much by ourselves. Also, the more we can do by
ourselves, the more confident we feel. 你越會做事,你越會有自信。
Second, doing chores helps us have better habits. By doing chores, we
understand there are more important things than watching TV or playing video
games.做家事會讓我們了解有很多很多事情比看電視、打電動還重要!If your parents
didn't do chores, what would your home look like? Pretty messy, right? One
day, you will be an adult, too. You don't want to live in a messy home.
So, the next time your mom or dad give you chores to do, just remember, they
are helping you to become successful!


2020年1月14日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Crow Cleaners(烏鴉清道夫)

Crow Cleaners 發佈於 2020-01-06 @ http://bit.ly/2sYPphv

Narrator: Woah! That looks fun … and kinda scary too! But I love going to
theme parks! How about you? 你喜歡去遊樂園嗎? Lots of people love going to
theme parks, that's why there's usually many people and often long lines to
get on the rides.

But you know what else lots of people bring? 人多的時候會帶來甚麼呢? Trash!
When there are lots of people, that usually means lots of trash.

But what can the theme parks do about it? 該怎麼處理呢?

Hmm ... put out more trash cans? 垃圾桶放多一點嗎? Sure … Put up signs to
tell people "Please don't litter"? Sure … That might help. Any other ideas?

Well, a theme park in France had the smart idea to train animals to help
throw away trash!

Yeah, It's true! Can you guess the animal they're training?

Could it be … garbage goats?........ No, probably not, ...Trash tigers? …..
Hmm ... that could be dangerous,..…Junkyard jellyfish? …….. How would they
even pick up the trash?!

Actually, it's … crows. ……. 答案是烏鴉!

The theme park has been training some of these smart, helpful birds to fly
around the park, pick up trash and take it to a trash can.

How did they train them? With food! The trainer rewards crows with treats
when they put trash in the right place. They're so smart!

Sometimes the crows even try to trick the trainer by bringing something that
isn't trash ... like a piece of wood. Haha! Cheeky crows! 好調皮的烏鴉!

But it is working really well. So well, in fact, that the park is training
even more crow cleaners!

2020年1月9日 星期四

ICRT Lunchbox---Unusual International Days (特殊的國際節日)

Unusual International Days 發佈於 2020-01-03 @ http://bit.ly/37BlxWV

Narrator: Oh! Hi! Sorry about that. I was just catching up on some sleep.
That's because today ... is the day to get more sleep!

What? You didn't know? 你不知道嗎? Today is the Festival of Sleep Day!
你不知道嗎? 今天是睡覺日! 就是要多睡的日子.

Festival of Sleep Day is supposed to be a day for catching up on sleep after
the busy Christmas and New Year holidays!

Actually, every year, there are a lot of international days to enjoy.
每年都有很多好玩的節日! Some are great, some are funny… and some are just

Here are my top 5 International Days!

** Number 5! ***

Coming in at number 5 is International Friendship Day! July 30th -
七月三十,國際友誼日 - is the day to remember how great your friends are!

** Number 4! ***

World Smile Day is the first Friday of October! Did you know you can trick
your mind into feeling better just by smiling? 微笑可以改變心情! Give it a

** Number 3! ***

November 19th, and Number 3 on the list, is World Toilet Day! (sfx: flushing
toilet) 世界馬桶日! Because when you gotta go … you gotta go!

** Number 2! ***

The first Saturday of February is Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! I don't even
think I need to explain this one, do I? Everyone likes ice cream, right?

And how can we make ice cream even better? Have it for breakfast!
早餐就吃冰淇淋不錯吧! Next!

** Number 1! ***

Number 1! We've already talked about it. My favorite international day of the
year is today. The Festival of Sleep Day.

The Festival of (yawns) Sleep Day (slows way down) is my favorite ... because
I can ... just lay down … and get... some... extra... slee… (sighs).


2020年1月7日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbocx--- New Year Dates (新年的日期)

New Year Dates 發佈於 2020-01-01 @ http://bit.ly/36qfOTT

Narrator: Oh, I'm exhausted! I was out until very late last night, because I
was celebrating on New Year's Eve!

Do you know what "New Year's Eve" means?

It means the last night of the year. 一年最後一天的晚上。The night of
December 31st is New Year's Eve - which was yesterday night!

It was so much fun! I loved the fireworks and the parties … everyone was so
happy! New Year's Eve is like a celebration - for the whole world!
全世界在慶祝啦 Bye-bye old year, hello new year!

Of course, every New Year's Day is on January 1st. And New Year's Day is a
holiday! No work and no school! 新年的第一天不用上班上學 - yes! We all can
enjoy the first day of the New Year.

But did you know hundreds of years ago, New Year's Day wasn't on January
1st?一月一號不是新年的第一天? 這麼可能阿!

That sounds crazy, right? January 1st … that's New Year's Day! How can it be
on another day?

Well, a long time ago, many people in England and America liked to celebrate
New Year's on March 25th!

And, if you think about it … March 25th actually isn't a bad day to start a
new year. In many places, March is the start of spring, winter is gone, the
trees are turning green again. New life, New Year! … 三月春天來了
冬天過去了,萬物復甦… 新的一年, 新的生活開始了.

But after a while, many places decided to use the same day for the New Year,
January 1st.

And now we celebrate New Year's Day on January 1st in Taiwan, too!

We hope you're having a very happy new year's day today! Happy New Year from ICRT!


2020年1月6日 星期一

!!! The Final Exam is coming~~~

The final exam is on January 9 and 10. It's almost coming.
Wish all of you could work hard, prepare well, and do greatly on the exam.

2020年1月2日 星期四

ICRT LunchBox --- How far germs fly when you sneeze (當你打噴嚏時,細菌飛多遠)

How far germs fly when you sneeze 發佈於 2019-12-27 @ http://bit.ly/37c18HG

Narrator: Aaaaaa-choo!!! Oh, I'm so sorry! I really hope I didn't get my germs on everyone!
I have a terrible cold. 我的感冒很嚴重! I'm sniffling, coughing, and sneezing a lot!
一直鼻塞、咳嗽還有打噴嚏! A-choo!

That's why it's important for me to cover my nose and mouth when I sneeze.
I don't want to get my germs all over other people when I sneeze, or else they'll get sick too!
You should cover your mouth too! 你也應該這樣做
Because every time you sneeze, you are actually shooting germs all over the place.
Your germs can travel as far as 2.5 meters when you sneeze.

That's farther than the height of most tall people!
Your germs are carried by these tiny droplets that shoot out of your mouth and nose when you sneeze. And they can travel at over 160 kilometers an hour! 速度可以超過每小時160公里
That's faster than some trains!

And you can spread any kind of germ when you sneeze. Such as cold germs, or something more serious, like flu germs, chickenpox germs, measles germs, and more!

If you don't have a tissue to cover your mouth, cover your face with your arm.
This way, you'll be able to cover your mouth, but you won't sneeze all over your hands.
It's important to keep your hands clean too, so you don't get germs everywhere by touching things.
手要保持乾淨, 才不會因為東摸西摸被傳染

If you DO sneeze into your hands, wash them!! Don't just use water either, that won't work. Make sure you use soap and really scrub your hands clean. 記得用肥皂洗手喔
The best thing to do to protect other people when you're sick? Stay home and rest!

That's what I'm going to do right now. A-choo!