2020年1月14日 星期二

ICRT Lunchbox --- Crow Cleaners(烏鴉清道夫)

Crow Cleaners 發佈於 2020-01-06 @ http://bit.ly/2sYPphv

Narrator: Woah! That looks fun … and kinda scary too! But I love going to
theme parks! How about you? 你喜歡去遊樂園嗎? Lots of people love going to
theme parks, that's why there's usually many people and often long lines to
get on the rides.

But you know what else lots of people bring? 人多的時候會帶來甚麼呢? Trash!
When there are lots of people, that usually means lots of trash.

But what can the theme parks do about it? 該怎麼處理呢?

Hmm ... put out more trash cans? 垃圾桶放多一點嗎? Sure … Put up signs to
tell people "Please don't litter"? Sure … That might help. Any other ideas?

Well, a theme park in France had the smart idea to train animals to help
throw away trash!

Yeah, It's true! Can you guess the animal they're training?

Could it be … garbage goats?........ No, probably not, ...Trash tigers? …..
Hmm ... that could be dangerous,..…Junkyard jellyfish? …….. How would they
even pick up the trash?!

Actually, it's … crows. ……. 答案是烏鴉!

The theme park has been training some of these smart, helpful birds to fly
around the park, pick up trash and take it to a trash can.

How did they train them? With food! The trainer rewards crows with treats
when they put trash in the right place. They're so smart!

Sometimes the crows even try to trick the trainer by bringing something that
isn't trash ... like a piece of wood. Haha! Cheeky crows! 好調皮的烏鴉!

But it is working really well. So well, in fact, that the park is training
even more crow cleaners!


# Vocabulary

I would really like to see crows picking up trash.

1. Pick up拿起來。The baby wants his mom to pick him up.嬰兒要媽媽把他抱起來。
                                     The old man picked up trash. 老人把垃圾撿起來。

2. [很多]有好幾種說法。我有很多朋友,I have many friends.
                                               店裡有很多人,There are a lot of people in the store.
                                               我們需要很多協助,We need lots of help.

3. Litter雜亂,亂丟垃圾。Don't litter.別亂丟垃圾。
                                                 His desk is littered with newspapers.他的書桌上都是報紙雜物。

4. Train訓練,trainer訓練師。The dog trainer knows a lot about dogs. 狗狗訓練師很了解狗。
                                                       How did you train your cat? 你是怎麼訓練貓咪的?

Okay, we've learned how to say "很多" today. You can use "many," "a lot of" or "lots of."
Let's read the other words together. Pick up拿起來 litter雜亂,亂丟垃圾 train訓練 trainer訓練師


# Quiz

1. Where is the training taking place?
a. At a theme park
b. At a school
c. At a train station

2. What kind of animals are being trained?
a. Pigs
b. Bats
c. Crows

3. What are they being trained to do?
a. Pick up trash
b. Clean the bathrooms
c. Sell tickets

1: a 2: c 3: a

