How far germs fly when you sneeze 發佈於 2019-12-27 @
Narrator: Aaaaaa-choo!!! Oh, I'm so sorry! I really hope I didn't get my germs on everyone!
I have a terrible cold. 我的感冒很嚴重! I'm sniffling, coughing, and sneezing a lot!
一直鼻塞、咳嗽還有打噴嚏! A-choo!
That's why it's important for me to cover my nose and mouth when I sneeze.
I don't want to get my germs all over other people when I sneeze, or else they'll get sick too!
You should cover your mouth too! 你也應該這樣做
Because every time you sneeze, you are actually shooting germs all over the place.
Your germs can travel as far as 2.5 meters when you sneeze.
That's farther than the height of most tall people!
Your germs are carried by these tiny droplets that shoot out of your mouth and nose when you sneeze. And they can travel at over 160 kilometers an hour! 速度可以超過每小時160公里
That's faster than some trains!
And you can spread any kind of germ when you sneeze. Such as cold germs, or something more serious, like flu germs, chickenpox germs, measles germs, and more!
If you don't have a tissue to cover your mouth, cover your face with your arm.
This way, you'll be able to cover your mouth, but you won't sneeze all over your hands.
It's important to keep your hands clean too, so you don't get germs everywhere by touching things.
手要保持乾淨, 才不會因為東摸西摸被傳染
If you DO sneeze into your hands, wash them!! Don't just use water either, that won't work. Make sure you use soap and really scrub your hands clean. 記得用肥皂洗手喔
The best thing to do to protect other people when you're sick? Stay home and rest!
That's what I'm going to do right now. A-choo!
@ Vocabulary
You cough and sneeze when you have a cold.
1. Sneeze打噴嚏。Please cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze.
Cold air can make people sneeze.
2. Nose鼻子。The shape of her nose is beautiful! 她鼻子的形狀很美!
I can smell candy. 我可以聞到糖果。
Gee, you must have a nose like a dog's! 你一定有狗狗一樣的鼻子。
3. Mouth嘴巴。Open your mouth, please.請張開嘴。
Danshui is at the mouth of a river in New Taipei.
4. Protect保護。Soldiers protect our country.軍人保衛國家。
Warm clothing protect us from the cold.溫暖衣物保護我們免於受凍。
5. Make sure一定要。Make sure you will be here on time.請一定要準時到這裡。
Okay, let's stay healthy!
Now read the words. Sneeze打噴嚏 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 protect保護 make sure一定要
@ Quiz: