Chores Are Good For You
發佈於 2020-01-13 @
Narrator: (Sfx: sound of floor being swept) Oh, hi there. I'm just sweeping the floor.
OK, that's better. I'm just doing some chores around the house.我正在做家事.
I don't really like doing chores, but it's important to do them.
You know what chores are, right? They are things like sweeping the floor,
doing the dishes, and putting out the garbage…... 你知道家事是甚麼吧?
Do you guys do chores? 你們做家事嗎? Does your mom or dad ask you to clean up
sometimes or wash the dishes? Well, even if you don't like doing chores, you
should do them. Why? Let me tell you.
People have done many studies about chores. They found out that if kids do
chores when they are young, they are more successful when they get
older.小孩在家裡做家事 以後比較會賺錢喔。They have better jobs and more
money. This is because doing chores teaches us some good things.
First, it teaches us that - if our parents did everything for us, we might
feel that we couldn't do very much by ourselves. Also, the more we can do by
ourselves, the more confident we feel. 你越會做事,你越會有自信。
Second, doing chores helps us have better habits. By doing chores, we
understand there are more important things than watching TV or playing video
games.做家事會讓我們了解有很多很多事情比看電視、打電動還重要!If your parents
didn't do chores, what would your home look like? Pretty messy, right? One
day, you will be an adult, too. You don't want to live in a messy home.
So, the next time your mom or dad give you chores to do, just remember, they
are helping you to become successful!